Sunday, May 27, 2012


EXTREME apologies for the last 2 weeks of no posts! We have been busy with packing and moving etc. We have now been in our new place for a week now! Slowly but surely settling in. Adam has been gone for a week a week and will be for one more! Thank goodness for Jamma coming from the states! Don't know what I would have done without her. Moving is one thing..moving 9 hours away is another...moving 9 hours away and with a 6 month old is a whole different game!

Collette, Jamma and I have had quite a week of adventures! While organising the garage it started to rain and EVERYTHING was outside! Mad scramble to put everything under cover.  Friday we drove 1hr 45 minutes to IKEA. Got everything we needed. However we left IKEA with more than just furniture... I got food poisoning. So what should have been another 1hr 45min drive home turned into 3.5 hours ( 3 truck stops and a grocery store stop) and home around 8pm with Collette wanting nothing to do with the car or pram and me in the bathroom!  Needless to say we are laughing about it now! Those are only a few of our stories from our last week together! {Hopefully she isn't sick of me yet!}

In the next coming weeks I will post Collettes 6 month picture and 7 month! [Yes the 6th month is REALLY late! Apologies again...] I will also post some pics of our weeks with Jamma and our new place! Then I will hopefully settle into life again and start posting about things other than baby food and moving!

For now I will go and finish the laundry and pack a bag to stay with Mom so we can watch golf at 5am!
GO G-Pa!!!

 Here are just a few pics to tie you over until next time....

Jamma reading goodnight story to Collette

She loves broccoli [and the camera]

Sunday, May 6, 2012

{little genetic treasure} intro to solids

First off...Sorry about no post last week! Time just seems to slip away...Where does it go?! This week Collette will be 6 months old!  I cannot believe that! She is just as happy as can be! Full of giggles and smiles for everyone! We have her 6 month check-up this week and will be taking her 6 month photo as well! More on that later on...

With the 6 months newest topic of research has been introducing solids! Now if you were unaware...introducing solids is a lot more involved than just handing them whatever you are eating now a day. There are quite a few different techniques or methods to introducing solids. { there is the baby led weaning method, the eat right for your blood type method, the puree EVERYTHING method, the introduce certain things at certain times because of their gut flora method} I am sure  that is only a handful of the "methods" out there! Also most of you know how passionate I am about what is in our food now! It is not as pure as it was when we were growing up or even our parents. There are heaps more chemicals and pesticides in our produce and not to mention the GMO and preservatives in food. I like to think I am fairly knowledgable about food, but also know there is a lot I do not know.

With all of that said...We are not necessarily using just one "method". Just trusting our instinct and doing what feels right. We started noticing her watching us eat and trying to grab at our food. So we decided to give it a try.

We went with mashed up avocado! Not too sure if it was the mashed part, the avocado part or just the fact that it was the first taste of something besides breast milk she has had. Needless to say she did not seem to like it! We tried it for a few days in a row and then gave it a break for a week!
avocado puree coming right up
she was so eager and excited

          We didn't have to force it in...
Not too happy!

The next week was mashed pumpkin... That was a similar reaction...

We then decided that maybe she just wasn't ready and waited a few more weeks. 
Last Sunday when we were @ Adam's step brother and sister inlaws for dinner, his brother gave her a big piece of pear! She chowed down on that thing like she hadn't been fed in days. When we took it away from her as it was getting too small she threw a little ITT {I Throw Tempertantrums} So we gave her another piece and she did the same thing when it was all gone!

We then started handing her big pieces of cucumber, carrot and the other night sweet potato and she has loved it! She just gnaws at it...swallows some...and just plays around with whatever it is we have given her.  I even gave her a piece of avocado instead of mashed and she actually ate that without spitting it out and making faces like she did when we mashed it.    
                                                             Steamed Sweet Potato {not mashed}


Long story short...We have chosen to combine a couple of the different "theories" in regards to this introduction to solids topic and just go with what Collette seems to be liking! Since she is not needing "solids" for nutritional purposes we will continue doing what we are doing until she is ready for more!